Bridesmaid bouquet


Is a bouquet for a chief bridesmaid necessary detail at a wedding? A lot of future newlyweds ponder this question during their preparation for ceremony. It would seem a mere trifle but it is commonly known that wedding is an event which happens ones in a lifetime – still and all anybody hopes it to be so. That is why one should take pains to give consideration to each detail for the sake of such unique and unrepeatable holiday.

Let’s look back at old traditions

Since olden days people tried to celebrate weddings in spring or autumn – there were plenty of flowers in these seasons. Bridesmaids made wreaths and bouquets of fresh flowers during bachelorette parties. They also used to adorn a bride and themselves with flowers at the day of wedding. Many nations had traditions similar to the above-mentioned. It is not surprising, because flowers are incarnation of beauty.The larger is their quantity at the wedding, the more dressy and festive is the atmosphere of the event.

Today one can hardly imagine a bride without flowers as well as anteriorly. Decoration of venue of wedding with flowers is also rather popular. A bouquet does not symbolize bride by no means – it is just one of adornments at the wedding. So you may add decorations with providing bouquet for chief bridesmaid as well.

A bouquet for maid of honor: just for beauty?

Of course, nowadays, primary function of this bouquet is to make chief bridesmaid’s image lovelier, but it may come useful not only for this. At some weddings it takes place of bride’s one, when it comes about tradition of throwing the bouquet. One can use it for practical purposes near the end of a ceremony, if bride wants to keep her bouquet as a souvenir.

However, such action would be pertinent only in case if bride arranged it with maid of honor – the girl should give consent for leaving her bouquet at the end of the wedding.

When you are not planning to save on flowers, it would be better to buy three bouquets: for bride, maid of honor and for ritual of throwing itself. In such case each of lucky women would have the opportunity to take flowers as a keepsake. Of course, one of them is that person who will catch the bouquet. It may happen that chief bridesmaid will in this instance leave wedding with two bunches and it would be rather pleasant thing.

Moreover, a lot of future newlyweds try to differentiate best men and maid of honor from other guests. Chief bridesmaid bouquet and best man’s boutonniere serve for these purposes as an alternative to ribbons with corresponding inscriptions which can be considered obsolete versions.

There is yet another nuance: maids of honor can be often agitated a little – especially during marriage registration. There is for this moment is rather touching; therewithal girls usually realize that they are in the spotlight and in focus of camera object-glasses…Not every girl would feel quite at home in such an atmosphere. When somebody feels nervous and embarrassed him or her often has desire to hide hands somewhere. In such situation bouquet would became a real catch for modest and shy maid of honor.

Who pays for the bridesmaid bouquet?

In general, bouquet is a kind of decoration – so if to argue with logicс, newlyweds should pay for this thing. So you if you decided that maid of honor must have a bouquet should – buy it yourself.

Go along with the fact that it would be unhandsome of you to ask your friend to help you at the wedding as well as spend her money on the bouquet. Though there are a lot of nuances which depend on circumstances and relationships between bride and maid of honor in each specific case.

There is yet another option: one can propose a best man to buy a bouquet and give it to chief bridesmaid on their initial acquaintance at the day of wedding. However, you may just propose him to do it, but it is not worth taking the trouble to insist.

What is it like?

There are two variants in this situation. The first option: maid of honor bouquet may look just like bride’s one. In such case you would have fewer things to worry about. All you’ll have to do – to order two equal bouquets. It would be better to order them in the same flower shop, because the simultaneous delivery of bride’s and chief bridesmaid bouquets – is a convenient option.

The second variant is choosing such kind of bouquet which is suitable for maid’s of honor style and outfit. If you prefer this option keep in mind that such bouquet should be in harmony with bride’s one and clime in with wedding decoration.

A bouquet for maid of honor may have standard or compact size. However it’s no good to buy for her large one made of flowers with long legs – it would be too heavy to carry about all day long and girl will plainly get tired.

Is it possible to replace by something?

Nowadays it is quite common for maids of honor to beautify themselves with floral bracelets which can be worn on a wrist or even on shoulder. In this case it is advisable for best man to order a color-matched boutonniere in same style.

You will get some benefits by choosing bracelet instead of bouquet: the truth is that chief bridesmaids often assist braids at the wedding – they help them to repair make-up, to tidy hair and so on. A bouquet may hamper them to do these actions. Flower bracelet on the arm does not cumber and makes girl more attractive at the same time.

Instead of bracelet or hair flowerage one can order a large nice brooch made of natural flowers. Globed composition with a loop-shaped ribbon which can be worn on wrist like fancy-bag can also be purchased for chief bridesmaid. This accessorize looks quite original and helps to disengage hands.

In any case don’t leave this «trifle» out of consideration during wedding preparation, but don’t impose upon your rules. Ask maid of honor whether she is agree to have flowers at the ceremony. Some girls refuse from bouquet because they know that it would hinder them, another order flowers themselves, because they do not expect from their friend-fiancée.

This indicates that many chief bridesmaids like to hold a bouquet in their hands during wedding ceremony. In that in this instance it would be better if bride ordered flowers herself. She is able to choose flowers matching not only her dress but also maid’s gown and overall decoration.

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